The next piece in my blog workflow is to automatically commit new content and then push it up to gitHub where AWS can grab and deploy it. For that, I wrote a simple bash script:
I've ditched ChronoSync Express in favor of rsync and fswatch. With this setup, fswatch triggers whenever a file changes in my Obsidian vault blog folder and calls rsynch to copy over any new or changed files. The only thing I have left to figure out is how to start this up on login.
In my quest to improve my front-end skills, I have moved on to trying to optimize my CSS reduce the number of requests and total page size. I don't really want to use webpack, grunt, or anything similar. So, I decided to use postcss with a couple of plugins and a quick and dirty shell script to get the job.
I don't know why, but I strongly dislike writing content of any substance in a web-based text editor. It can be the slickest editor ever, with all the bells and whistles, but for some reason, It just doesn't feel right. I scoff at people who measure the snappiness of their local terminal app, but I probably shouldn't because I imagine latency has something to do with why I just don't enjoy writing real content online.
Eleventy version: @11ty/eleventy@2.0.1
In my previous note, I mentioned I would like to just be able to create a markdown file with a decent, meaningful title and have eleventy create the folder and index file for me. Well, apparently, it can do just that. The things you learn when you read the documentation