Crap. I just found something else I want to learn


I do NOT enjoy writing by hand anymore. My writing is messy, and I have a very low tolerance for mistakes on the page. I am the kind of person who will start over with a fresh sheet of paper rather than cross out a word. In fact, I have been so bad that tearing a page out of a spiral notebook can make me want to start over with a new notebook if I can't get the ragged paper debris completely out of the spirals. Yeah. I'm weird.

So, it makes NO SENSE that I'm fascinated by thinks like the Palmer Method and Gregg Shorthand. I've even purchased exercise books designed to improve my handwriting. (I can't use the practice books because any mistakes make me twitch and want to rip out the page, and then get a new book because the missing page bothers me.)

For a couple of years, I worked as a stringer at the local paper. I covered things like school board and planning commission meetings and zoning hearings. But, I never heard of anybody using shorthand at the paper, much less something I just learned about today - teeline. How have I not seen this before? And, given my aversion to writing by hand, why do I immediately want to learn it?

I've bookmarked the site. I'll probably play around with it for a hot minute. But, despite my desire to be a self educated and classy woman with elegant penmanship, let's just admit it now that I will never actually learn teeline or use it in any way. I do, however, love the side quests that articles in my RSS reader like this one send me on.