Pop Test - How Well do You Know Me?


On May 15th this year, we won nine carnival Goldfish. We rehomed five of them to a local pond store, where they could have a better life. We kept four - two of which were sick. Unfortunately, even after antibiotics and as much TLC as I could give them, the two sick goldfish ("Baldy" and "Shark Bait") didn't make it.

Goldfish require way more than most people realize, so as part of this new fish keeping adventure, I had to buy a 55 gallon aquarium. Then, to treat sick fish, I had to add a 10 gallon aquarium as well. Before this, I had won a few carnival fish as a kid, but never had an aquarium for them, and the fish didn't last long.

So - the question I pose to you is - how many aquariums and fish do I own today? Bonus points if you can tell me the subject of YouTube videos I have been binging.

As of this morning, I have a 55 gallon aquarium with two goldfish (Baby Bear and Ahab). The 10 gallon former "hospital" tank has three tiny platys (Casper, Clementine, and Scirocco). There are two empty three gallon rimless aquariums, an empty 40 gallon breeder tank, and a five gallon aquarium is on the way.

I also have aquascaping tools, a chemistry set for testing the water, and a gazillion aquatic plants. My YouTube subscriptions now include a ton of fish and aquascaping channels, and I briefly considered putting a pond in the back yard. It's probably only a matter of time until I make a pilgrimage to Japan.

I'm justifying this insanity to my son by reminding him that I can no longer knit with my messed up hands, and I need a hobby.